Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Dr. Who Volume 2

That way! 


Well, thats a kind of film. Okay, it is a huge plastic box with many films. 
But seriously: It is one of the awesomest, the greatest, the wonderfullest series I ever watched! 
It's about an Alien called the doctor who flies with his ship TARDIS through Space and Time. The serie began in 1950, I think, and it is the longest-shown-serie in the world! 
The actors changes often, but that is okay, because the doctor in the story has to change, too.


The Doctor - a Time-Lord, 900 years old (David Tennant)
Rose Tyler - his "Kompanion", travels with the doctor, loves him (Billie Piper)
Micky Smith - Rose's Boyfriend, good with computer, scared of monsters
Jackie Tyler - Rose's Mum
Pete Tyler - Rose's Dad, died when she was 6 months old
TARDIS - the doctor's ship, can travel through space or time or both


Well, I don't know the exact story because I only watched the BBC-Series of Dr. Who. I wish, I could watch the first episodes aswell, but I have no idea where to get them.
In "Dr. Who Volume 2" Rose already knows the docter from the first Volume. The only problem is, that the doctor has regenerate at the end of "Dr. Who Volume 1" so he looks different and she don't know how to deal with that. But she finally accepts it and so she has many adventures with the doctor again.
For example there is a Cybermen attack, they land in a parallel world and they are treated with a black hole and the devil himself.

Pro and Cons

How I said in the BASICs, I really love this serie.
It is funny, it is about timetraveln and about spaceships.
But it is an english movie, that means, the humour is a little bit specific and sometimes even awful. 
Also it is nothing for people who are easily afraid, because there are a lot of ... well, scary moments in the film. It isn't like a horrorfilm, but some things are really, really scary.
And the End is really, really, really sad.
But netherless, there is also a 3rd Volume of Dr. Who, so the serie goes on!


Dr. Who Volume 1

Funny and Awesome Quotes

"Don't be afraid Reinette, it's just a nightmare and everyone has nightmares. And so do you, isn't it so, monster?" "What monsters have nightmare about?" "Me!"

"Hello. Whats your Name?" "Reinette." "Oh, Reinette. What a lovely Name." "Monsieu, what are you doing in my fire place?"

"Reinette, can you tell, where you are at the moment?" "I'm in my bedroom, of course."

"You saw an odd ood?"

"I'd have to settle down. Live in house, in a real house with ... with doors and carpets. Me in a house? That ... That is frightening!"

"Okay, thats scary." "You are scared of a broken clock?" "Yeah, just a little, because you see, if this clock is broken, and it's the only one in the room, what's that?" "TICKTICKTICK"

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