Thursday, 28 March 2013

Dr. Who Volume 1

You were fantastic. And you know what? Me, too! 


So, that's the first Volume of the Sciene Fiction Serie Dr. Who. Or, the first Volume of the new Dr. Who, because officially it's the story of the 9th doctor and surely not the first Volume.
Here he meets a new companion, Rose Tyler. She's not like the other Hollywood Beautys who came before. She is normal.
But netherless she will preserve the earth and the humanity together with the doctor from destruction many times.


The Doctor - a Time-Lord, 900 years old
Rose Tyler - his "Kompanion", travels with the doctor, loves him (Billie Piper)
Micky Smith - Rose's Boyfriend, good with computer, scared of monsters
Jackie Tyler - Rose's Mum
TARDIS - the doctor's ship, can travel through space or time or both
Captain Jack - Time-Agent from the 51st century, 2 years of his memories were deleted by his agency, that's why he sells junk to Time-Agents


Rose and the doctor travel trough space and time to save the humanity. 

SPOILER!!! First Episode
Well, Rose is a normal girl. But one day when she finish her work she have to bring money to some man (name forgotten ...). She don't find him, but is attacked by living diplay dummies. Before they are able to kill her she is saved by a strange man. He sends her home and than blows up the building. A day later he visit her home because she took a piece of living plastic to her at home. They have a little fight, than Rose wants a explanation. The doctor explains something strange like that he can feel how the earth is flying trough the space. 
Well, because that isn't enough for her she makes some research at her own. She finds a man who is an expert about the doctor. While she talks to her her boyfriend Micky is kidnapped by a living dustbin and replaced by a plastic double. She don't notice and they visit a pizzeria. Here she recognizes that something is strange with him and is saved again by the doctor. In fact, he tear Fake-Micky's head of. She follows him into his ship, the TARDIS. The doctor follows the signal and finally Rose save the earth from an invasion of living plastic. 

Pro and Cons

It is a real great show with humor and action, but some times the actors are a little bit weak or nthe special effects a little bit strange but overall it is just awesome! 
Normally English humor is a kind of strange, but the reason, why Dr. Who is so famous and have survive that long is that it isn't strange but funny! 

Funny and awesome quotes

"I am very, very angry! Go to your room! Immediately!" Break "Oh, I'm glad that had worked. That would be very awfull last words."

"So, what is that?" "Something sonar!" "Sonar what?" "Just sonar!" "Yes, but sonar what?" "Sonar ... screwdriver!" 

"Rose, you were fantastic. And you know what? Me, too!"

"Who are you, when you're not human?" (Aliens)
"Who is not human?" (Harriet)
"He is not human!" (Rose)
"He is not human?!" (Harriet)
"Quiet, please." (Doctor)
"Why he has a northern accent?" (Harriet)
"Many planets have a north." (Rose)
"Quiet!" (Doctor)

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Faceless Ones

Doors are for people with no imagination. 


So, that's the third part of Skulduggery Pleasant
Again Valkyrie Cain and Skulduggery have to unit their powers to save the world from destruction.
You'll read about the old gods of the world.


Skulduggery Pleasant - a skeleton and detective
Valkyrie Cain - original Name Stephanie Edgley, 14 Years old
China - beautiful woman, who must not be trusted, Collectot, has a libary
Flechter Renn - the last Teleporter, he's a natural
Guild - the new Grand Mage, Skulduggery thinks he is a treater
Kenspeckel Grouse - a magic Doctor, helps Valkyrie and Co. when they're injured


Again someone want to bring the Faceless back.
This time it's the Diablerie, a group of 5 people.
They want to use the Torso of the Groteskery to bring back the Faceless and they need a teleporter. They kill all of them except Fletcher Renn.
Then they want him.
Will Valkyrie and Skulduggery be able to stop them?

Pro and Cons

I must admit that you have to read the earlier books to understand the story line because there aren't much explanations for example for the Faceless Ones, for China or about the Groteskery.
But it was another funny book written by Derek Landy.
There are more emotions, I guess, but it depends on the reader, how you like it.


Skulduggery Pleasant (German "Der Gentleman mit der Feuerhand")

Playing with Fire (German "Das Groteskerium kehrt zurück")

Funny and awesome quotes

Finbar looked at Valkyrie. "Want a tattoo?"
"Yes." Valkyrie said.
"No." Skulduggery said. We're leaving now."
Valkyrie scowled as she followed him out into the rain. "I could hav just got a small one."
"Your parents would kill me."
"Being around you puts my life in constant danger. I've fought monsters and vampires and I've almost died twice, and you think they'd choose to kill you over a tattoo?"
"Parents are funny that way."

Black lightning streaked from the crystal, and the table turned to dust and the oak box fell heavily on the floor.
Valkyrie stared. "I missed the box." "Yes, but on the bright side, you killed the table."

China glared at her, than glared at Skulduggery. "Some of those books were one of their kind."
"I understand that." "Priceless, Skulduggery. Beyound Priceless. The secrets they held, the histories they contained ..."
"I'll be happy to pay for any damage caused."
"You cannot pay for priceless book! That's why they call them priceless!"
"Then let me at least for the bookcase."

Playing with Fire

Doors are for people with no imagination. 


I wrote about Skulduggery Pleasant before, "Playing with Fire" is the second book in this serie.
Well, it's again about fighting, magic and the rescue of the world.
Something else?
You'll discover a new force of magic, I guess.


Skulduggery Pleasant - a skeleton and detective, works for the sanctuary
Valkyrie Cain - 13 year old girl, original name Stephanie Edgley
Mr. Bliss - strongest Man in the world
Baron Vengeous - one of the 3 generals Mevolents --> who is a really bad guy, dead
Lord Vile - already dead, but his armor with his power still exists


This Time they are confronted with another General of Mevolent, Baron Vengous has eskaped from his prison and wants to bring the Faceless back.
He needs Lord Viles Armor and another unknown thing, to awake the Groteskery and to bring his gods back.
And Valkyrie have to stop him together with Skulduggery.

Pro and Cons

It's really similiar to the first book, Skulduggery Pleasant, but this time there is more action and fewer theoretical parts. There is more fighting and more threathning and dangerous scenes.

Funny and awesome quotes

"Guild doesn't like me.", Valkyrie said.
"That's true.", Skulduggery responded.
"He doesn't likes you either."
"That is mystifying."

"Was it a test?", she asked. "I mean, I know I'm still new at this, I'm still the rookie. Did you hang back to test me, to see if I'd be able to handle it alone?"
"Well, kind of, " he said. "Actually, no, nothing like that. My shoelace was untied. That's why I was late. That's why you were alone.
"I could have been killled because you were tying your shoelace?"
"An untied shoelace can be dangerous,"he said. "I could hace tripped."
She stared at him. A moment dragged by.
"I'm joking." he said at last.
She relaxed. "Really?"
"Absolutely. I would never have tripped. I'm far too graceful."

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Skulduggery Pleasant

Doors are for people with no imagination. 


It's a book. Okay, that was useless. Start again.
It's a book about detectives. But Valkyrie Cain and Skulduggery Pleasant aren't normal detectives. They use magics to hunt creatures like vampires.
And they have to fight against really bad guys!


Skulduggery Pleasant - a skeleton and detective, works for the sanctuary
Valkyrie Cain - 12year old girl, original name Stephanie Edgley
Mr. Bliss - strongest Man in the world
Gordon Edgley - Valkyrie's uncle, dies at the begin of the book


The book begins when Stephanie Edgley's uncle died because of a heart attack. She inherit his house and his money. At the same evening she and her mother want to visit the house, but their car brokes and her mother drive away together with the mechanic to repair it, so Stephanie has to stay alone at home.
While she reads a book she falls asleep an is suddenly awaken, as someone ring the phone. A unknow men wants her to open the door. She don't do it and is finally attack by a men who is immun against flames, but she is rescued be Skulduggery Pleasant. She discovers that he is a skeleton an decides, that she will help him to discover the murderer of Gordon, because his sudden death wasn't naturally.
She becames involved in a world filled with magic and soon she is helping Skulduggery.

Pro and Cons

This book is about fighting, magic and evil guys, so I can't do anything but to love it. Really! Derek Landy did a great job with writing Skulduggery Pleasant. He has an amazing humour!
I just can't stop laughing!
But there are also scenes and parts, where you just wanna to cry.
It has something of all, it is scary, but also funny. And it is easy to read.
A bad point is, that it is only short, so you'll finish it very quickly. But I think that's not a problem, because there are already 6 books (English) and a 7th is comíng soon!

Funny and awesome quotes

"So you are real? You actually exist?"
"You mean you're not sure if you exist or not?"
"I'm fairly certain. I mean, I could be wrong. I could be some ghastly hallucination, a figment of my imagination."

“So you won't keep anything from me again?",Valkyrie asked.
He put his hand to his chest. "Cross my heart and hope to die."
"Okay then. Though you don't actually have a heart," she said.
"I know."
"And technically, you've already died."
"I know that too."
"Just so we're clear."

You know, because I'm at the moment in Australia I wasn't able to go to the Leipziger Books fair. That is so terrible, you know, because Derek Landy was there!
When I read that on his own blog, I was so down you can't imagine!
Well, I'll survive it.

So, and who is my mysterious reader who doesn't show himself or herself?
Comments aren't forbidden!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Dr. Who Volume 2

That way! 


Well, thats a kind of film. Okay, it is a huge plastic box with many films. 
But seriously: It is one of the awesomest, the greatest, the wonderfullest series I ever watched! 
It's about an Alien called the doctor who flies with his ship TARDIS through Space and Time. The serie began in 1950, I think, and it is the longest-shown-serie in the world! 
The actors changes often, but that is okay, because the doctor in the story has to change, too.


The Doctor - a Time-Lord, 900 years old (David Tennant)
Rose Tyler - his "Kompanion", travels with the doctor, loves him (Billie Piper)
Micky Smith - Rose's Boyfriend, good with computer, scared of monsters
Jackie Tyler - Rose's Mum
Pete Tyler - Rose's Dad, died when she was 6 months old
TARDIS - the doctor's ship, can travel through space or time or both


Well, I don't know the exact story because I only watched the BBC-Series of Dr. Who. I wish, I could watch the first episodes aswell, but I have no idea where to get them.
In "Dr. Who Volume 2" Rose already knows the docter from the first Volume. The only problem is, that the doctor has regenerate at the end of "Dr. Who Volume 1" so he looks different and she don't know how to deal with that. But she finally accepts it and so she has many adventures with the doctor again.
For example there is a Cybermen attack, they land in a parallel world and they are treated with a black hole and the devil himself.

Pro and Cons

How I said in the BASICs, I really love this serie.
It is funny, it is about timetraveln and about spaceships.
But it is an english movie, that means, the humour is a little bit specific and sometimes even awful. 
Also it is nothing for people who are easily afraid, because there are a lot of ... well, scary moments in the film. It isn't like a horrorfilm, but some things are really, really scary.
And the End is really, really, really sad.
But netherless, there is also a 3rd Volume of Dr. Who, so the serie goes on!


Dr. Who Volume 1

Funny and Awesome Quotes

"Don't be afraid Reinette, it's just a nightmare and everyone has nightmares. And so do you, isn't it so, monster?" "What monsters have nightmare about?" "Me!"

"Hello. Whats your Name?" "Reinette." "Oh, Reinette. What a lovely Name." "Monsieu, what are you doing in my fire place?"

"Reinette, can you tell, where you are at the moment?" "I'm in my bedroom, of course."

"You saw an odd ood?"

"I'd have to settle down. Live in house, in a real house with ... with doors and carpets. Me in a house? That ... That is frightening!"

"Okay, thats scary." "You are scared of a broken clock?" "Yeah, just a little, because you see, if this clock is broken, and it's the only one in the room, what's that?" "TICKTICKTICK"