Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Glory Wars

Once upon a time in a land called Enduria ...


Okay. Thats a Onlinegame. The link is, but I prefer you'll take this:
It's a kind of Fantasy-Fighting Game and I found it while playing an other game (which I'll post later). You know, advertising is sometimes great ^^


In the Game is a story, but you must not know it for playing. I learned it months after I first logged in!

So, Enduria was a great prosperous country but it was ill. And that illnes was called the human race.
They were verge to destroy the nature and the land itself. And so the gods sendsed a messenger to the people of Enduria. It was decided, that there should be a king and laws and everytime the humans broke the rules a disaster should appaer, every next time it'll be longer and worser.
But after a couple of centuries the humans forgot the rules and fight for the throne.
So the gods sends their punishment in form of monsters.
Years later the villages were rebuild and the clans had awoken, but the fear is still all around us...


I must admit, it wasn't that hard for me to understand the basics of Glory Wars because I know a similar game from the same firm. But for you, I'll post it here.
Okay, first you have to register, that is a thing you'll have to do in all Browsergames.
You make your charakter (be sure you choose the right sex, I first made it wrong and called a boy Lya ^^)
You'll be also able to choose you're Powers, actually, you can choose between three oppertunities.
You can be a Magican, a Archer or a Warrior. Each one has his Pro and Cons, has his own equiment and his own skills. Later you won't be able to change your Powers, so make your choice carefully.
The sex or your Look is changeable.
First time you log in you'll have some kind of tutorial, a girl named Tamara I guess will tell you a few basic things about Glory Wars and make some missions with you.
But I will explain it to you, too.
Okay, first you have to know, that the bar on the left side of the screen is a kind of a menu. While clicking of one of the icons there'll appear another menu with icons right next to it.
So you can navigate.
Also you should know, that the missions are very important and you can choose between a really easy (3 partners), a middle (2 partners) or a hard (one partner) one. The Partners are not real Player, they are NPCs. 
So what you have to know too? Maybe, that being in a Clan offers many advantages. So you earn more money when you work and you maybe will be the head of a village or something like that.
Considerable is the town. You can make missions in the teverne or offer a job as a mercenaries. You can improve your Skills, buy equipment, and, whats the most important (I'm joking) is : You can play. I mean gambling ;DDDD

Pro and Cons
I love this game really. I often play it in my free time, but sadly there wasn't much left with all the homework. I mean, it's about Fantasy, it's about fighting and it's in the internet. 
So it's another perfect game for me :D
A Pro is of course the Style. I don't know how long it takes to draw that much pictures in such a good quality and I don't want to. It's just great and thank to the little icons you can learn really fast how to navigate and to play. 
A Con is, like in all Browsergame, the paying. I HATE games where you can pay with real money and than you have advantages like more working time or more MP/AP.

Okay, I think that was it for Glory Wars.
My Name is Lain, I'm playing on the German world Nr. 2 and I'm in the clan "Schwarze Wölfe", that means something like "black wolves". I hope, I can see you soon!

Questions please as a comment, thx

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